Submission of manuscripts

All articles submitted to the journal must be written in clear and concise English. Only original and unpublished articles are accepted, and authors may not republish their paper in the same or similar form. The decision on the acceptance is taken after a peer-reviewing procedure. The journal makes no page charges.

Submission of an article is via

Please read the instruction for authors before your submission.

  1. Articles should be prepared in LaTeX form. Please download the LaTeX class file and the respective sample file including the instructions for formatting.

  2. Full names, mailing addresses and emails of all authors should be written.

  3. Abstract must have at least 200 words.

  4. At least 3 keywords and 2 Mathematical Subject Classification Codes (MSC2010) should be given.

  5. Acknowledgement (if there is any) should be given at the end of paper before the references.

  6. The authors can provide the names and e-mail addresses of up to four potential reviewers and can suggest an editor.

  7. Figures must be of sufficiently high resolution (minimum 600 dpi). Lettering of all figures within the article should be uniform in style (preferably a sans serif typeface like Helvetica) and of sufficient size (ca. 8 pt.). Uppercase letters A, B, C, etc. should be used to identify parts of multi-part figures. Cite all figures in the text in numerical order. Indicate the approximate placement of each figure. Do not embed figures within the text body of the manuscript; submit figures in separate files. In a TEX document EPS files may be incorporated into the TEX file by using one of the standard macro packages.

  8. References should be at the end of the paper. Please use abbreviations for titles of journals in accordance with those listed in Mathematical Reviews.

  9. Articles in journals:

    [1] A. Carbonaro, G. Metafune and C. Spina, Parabolic Schrödinger operators, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 343 (2008), 965-974.

    Articles ahead of print:

    [2] D. Farley and L. Sabalka, Presentations of graph braid groups, Forum Math. (2010), doi: 10.1515/FORM.2011.086.

    Books and Monographs:

    [3] I. M. Isaacs, Character theory of finite groups, AMS Chelsea Publishing, 2006.


    [4] T. De Medts, F. Haot, R. Knop and H. Van Maldeghem, On the uniqueness of the unipotent subgroups of some Moufang sets, in: Finite Geometries, Groups, and Computation, pp. 43-66, de Gruyter, Berlin, 2006.

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